Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Domesticated hedgehog albino

The most common species of domesticated hedgehog is the African Pygmy hedgehog, a hybrid of the White-bellied or Four-toed Hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris) and the Algerian Hedgehog (A. algirus). It is smaller than the European Hedgehog, and thus is sometimes called African Pygmy Hedgehog. Other species kept as pets are the Egyptian long-eared hedgehog (Hemiechinus auritus auritus) and the Indian long-eared hedgehog (Hemiechinus collaris).
Hedgehog domestication became popular in the early 1980s. They still have much of their wild behavior, including a fear of predators — especially humans, but buying from a responsible breeder and proper handling will do a lot to ensure a friendly relationship. Since domestication began, several new colours of hedgehogs have been created or become common, including albino and pinto hedgehogs.
Domesticated species prefer a warm climate (above 22 °C , 72 °F) and do not naturally hibernate. Attempts to hibernate due to lowered body temperatures can be fatal, but are easily reversed if caught quickly (within a few days). In the wild they eat a diet of mainly insects, but pet owners generally prefer a diet composed primarily of high protein low fat high quality cat food, with regular treats such as mealworms, fruits, vegetables, and cooked unseasoned meats.
A fully grown domesticated hedgeho

The Romans domesticated a relative of the Algerian hedgehog in the 4th Century BC. They were raised for meat and quills. The quills were used in the training of other animals, such as keeping a calf from suckling after it had been weaned. The quills were also used for card paper and dissection pins long after the Romans actively bred and raised hedgehogs.[edit]Roman domesticated hedgehog


Because a hedgehog is commonly kept in a cage or similar enclosure, it is allowed in some residences where cats and dogs are not allowed.
It is illegal to own a hedgehog as a pet in some US states and some Canadian municipalities, and a license is needed to legally breed them. These restrictions may have been enacted due to the ability of some hedgehog species to carry foot and mouth disease, a highly contagious disease of cloven-hooved animals. No such restrictions exist in most European countries.
The following is a list of locations where it is illegal to own a hedgehog. By African Pygmy hedgehog, this list is referring to the domesticated hedgehog commonly bred and sold as pets, not a specific breed of hedgehog from Africa.


In the wild, a hedgehog is opportunistic and will eat many things, but the majority of the diet comprises insects.
As insectivores, hedgehogs need a diet that is high in protein and low in fat. They also require chitin, which comes from the exoskeleton of insects; fiber in the diet may substitute for the chitin component. There are prepared foods specifically for pet hedgehogs and insectivores, including foods made from insect components. Also available are alimentary powders to sprinkle on other food which provide chitin and other nutrients. Hedgehog caretakers should read labels on packaged food to ensure a basis of protein, rather than a basis of carbohydrate.
A dry cat-food mix can serve as a daily base food. Most caretakers mix several high-quality, low-fat cat foods to ensure nutrition and aim for a protein content of higher than 30% and a fat content of less than 12%. Approximately 10 to 12% fiber is also suggested. Normal cat food is high in fat and iron so indoor or light formulations are generally more appropriate. “High-quality foods” means foods in which the primary ingredient is meat, not a meat byproduct. Most breeders suggest foods derived primarily from chicken. There are hedgehog foods available at many pet shops, but as of the time of writing most do not seem to be good quality formulations and will not provide the quality and level of nutritional contents necessary for a healthy hedgehog. Always check the ingredients list for good quality ingredients and nutritional information for protein and fat content.
Pet hedgehogs may eat such table foods as cooked, lean chickenturkey, beef or pork (in moderation due to fat content). Hedgehogs will often eat small amounts of vegetable and can be given small amounts of fruit as treats. Baby food is a common way to feed treats. Hedgehogs are lactose-intolerant and will have stomach problems after consuming most dairy products, though occasional plain lowfat yogurt (yogurt contains bacteria that naturally process lactose) or cottage cheese seem to be well tolerated. Sugar intake should be restricted to fruits, avoid any treat with added sugar.
Fresh, canned, or freeze-dried mealwormswaxworms, and crickets are appropriate as limited treats though in moderation as many feed insects are high in fat. Many pet stores carry these feedinsects. Hedgehog caretakers should avoid bait-shop or wild caught insects, which may be contaminated with insecticides.
Hedgehogs can easily become obese. If a pet hedgehog appears to be gaining too much weight, it is important that the hedgehog’s caretaker cut back on high fat foods and increase exercise. Hedgehogs vary in size so there is no "goal weight" for a hedgehog, but if they can no longer roll completely into a ball it is a pretty clear sign of obesity. Many people believe that there is a relation between a high-fat diet and fatty-liver disease in hedgehogs.
Due to their mouth shape hedgehogs should not be fed any nuts. Nut butters are acceptable, but are very high in fat so they should probably be avoided. Hedgehogs should never be fed avocados, onions, grapes or raisins, chocolate, any raw meat or egg yolks, or any canned or processed food.


Many people who claim to be allergic to cats and dogs are actually allergic to the dander produced by them. Hedgehogs produce very little dander.[5] It is possible to be allergic to items surrounding the hedgehog, such as the hedgehog's food or bedding, but it is rare that a person would be allergic to the hedgehog itself.
After handling hedgehogs, some have claimed that pink dots on their hands is an allergic reaction. This is more likely caused by small pricks from the hedgehog's quills. If a hedgehog is not clean, the pricks can become infected. The infection is from contaminants on the hedgehog or on the surface of the hands, not from an allergic reaction to the hedgehog.
Hedgehogs are commonly allergic to wood oils. Wood bedding should be avoided, specifically cedar. The oil found in cedar can cause severe upper respiratory problems. Aspen however is widely accepted as a safe substitute.


Hedgehogs are prone to many diseases including cancer, which spreads quickly in hedgehogs, and wobbly hedgehog syndrome. Some symptoms of wobbly hedgehog syndrome resemble those ofmultiple sclerosis (MS) in humans, therefore the condition the animal experiences can be compared with what MS patients experience.[6][7] A possible cause of WHS is a genetic flaw allowing a virus to attack the hedgehog's nervous system.[reference?]
Hedgehogs usually react to stress with temporary digestive disorders that include vomiting and green feces.[8]

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